055-96-3201    Facebook


๐ Fixed Point Theory and Applications

๐ Banach Spaces and Geometry

๐ Nonlinear and Convex Analysis


๐ Semigroups Theory

๐ Module Theory

๐ Algebraic Number Theory

๐ Matrix Theory

๐ Coding Theory

๐ Graph Theory

Applied Mathematics

๐ Mathematical Modeling

๐ Differential Equation

๐ Stochastic Process

๐ Numerical Analysis

Optimization and Machine Learning

๐ Convex Optimization

๐ Optimization Algorithm

๐ Support Vector Machine

๐ Image Processing

Statistics and Applied Statistics

๐ Sampling Techniques

๐ Applied Linear Models

๐ Bayesian Statistics

๐ Categorical Statistics

๐ Operation Research

Mathematics Education

๐ Teaching and Learning Technique

Publication Statistics (Scopus)